? Link It's not surprising to some, like me, that the numbers continue to drop. And this can't be blamed on media spin, no matter how hard you try. But now, it's up to America. Are we ready to take responsibilty and work at what we obviously want? Are we going to vote? Are we going to write editorials? Work on campaigns? Are we going to be aware of legislation and let our representatives know where we stand and what we want? It is up to us. How often do you write or call your...
And I can't wait to see DeLay go down. Link "Former DeLay aide pleads guilty in Abramoff probe By Elana Schor and Roxana Tiron Tony Rudy, a former high-ranking aide to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), pleaded guilty Friday to one count of conspiracy stemming from his lobbying partnership with Jack Abramoff, bringing the federal probe of corruption in the Capitol one step closer to the former majority leader."
Democrats had them on the ports deal. Had them for once on security. There are many people that think of illegal immigrants as they used to think of scabs, crossing the strike lines. There are many die-hard Democrats shaking their heads at the protests, the eloquent, yet, out of touch speeches being made on the floor of the Senate. Are any of them, Democrats or Republicans, actually listening to their constituents on this one? Corporations love illegal immigrants, therefore Bush and Rep...
Once again, more proof. FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001 testified Monday he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks. Link
Link The lines seperating Church and State are getting thinner and thinner, aren't they? This site has articles that teach churches what they can and can't do according to the IRS. It has several articles about Alito. It's an interesting read.
Shall, "we the people" let them know how we feel about this? Contact your representatives to let then know how you feel about any more pre-emptive strikes! Link
My blog in the forums.... Sen. Feingold's Bill to Censure Bush! By: AsWayOpens Posted: 3/13/2006 12:38:41 PM on JoeUser.com Once he makes it to the floor to introduce it, call or write your representatives to back it! Nobody should be above the law and this is the very least we can do. The comments can be seen here... Link Two more Senators have joined the call for censure.
Once he makes it to the floor to introduce it, call or write your representatives to back it! Nobody should be above the law and this is the very least we can do.
Has anyone else heard it, in a serious way? I first heard it mentioned by Chris Matthews, who insists he will leave. Then I saw it reported on The Drudge Report, Link and Insight Link
What a spin. What a yarn. Time after time, Democrats are stopped. Time after time, deals are made behind closed doors. Time after time, rules are changed. Just yesterday, Democrats were stopped from having a full inestigation of the NSA spying.
An amendment to ban gifts from lobbyist's has failed to pass the Senate. It was such a surprise that Republicans were the ones to vote it down.
Ahhh, the Emperor has spoken. Let them eat mangoes. Tell me, JoeUser Conservatives, do you agree with all or most of Bush's policies? If there are things you don't like that he's doing, are you willing to stand up and say what they are?
Calling for a Congressional inquiry to investigate the grounds for impeachment. Supported by 27 House members. Encourage your representatives to sign on.
Yet another breaking of our laws by Bush. American law prohibits the US from sharing its nuclear technology with nations that have not signed the treaty or have tested weapons. American firms are already lobbying congress for deals in this. India can have it, Iran can't. Won't this send a bad message, Mr. Bush? Kind of like some countries can run our ports, others can't?
Senator Russ Feingold has been standing strong all afternoon against the Patriot Act. Please write and support him in this. Link