
It's not surprising to some, like me, that the numbers continue to drop.
And this can't be blamed on media spin, no matter how hard you try.
But now, it's up to America. Are we ready to take responsibilty and work at what we obviously want?
Are we going to vote?
Are we going to write editorials?
Work on campaigns?
Are we going to be aware of legislation and let our representatives know where we stand and what we want?

It is up to us.
How often do you write or call your Representatives?

An interesting thing is happening. Communities one by one, are taking votes to let Congress know how they feel on issues.

How do you feel and what are you doing about it

on Apr 07, 2006

It's not surprising to some, like me, that the numbers continue to drop.
And this can't be blamed on media spin, no matter how hard you try.
But now, it's up to America. Are we ready to take responsibilty and work at what we obviously want?
Are we going to vote?
Are we going to write editorials?
Work on campaigns?
Are we going to be aware of legislation and let our representatives know where we stand and what we want?

It is up to us.
How often do you write or call your Representatives?

An interesting thing is happening. Communities one by one, are taking votes to let Congress know how they feel on issues.

How do you feel and what are you doing about it

And like the col...just "what" do you think your going to do about GW? Whether you like it or not he'll be in the oval office until Jan 2009! And "nothing" you're going to do will change that! And NO he can't run again. So please find a different drum to beat. Everyone (left, liberals, democrats) have been yelling for impeachment and they've been doing it since back in 2001. You know what it has amounted to? NOTHING! Do you know what it will amount to? Again NOTHING! No one has been able to make serious enough charges stick. Nor will they!
on Apr 07, 2006
Good questions, all. Another possibility is running for office and giving voters a choice. While you may not agree with all of my political views, I am doing more in my district to advance my party than the Democratic Party is doing to advance theirs...and it's not just in my district where this is true.
on Apr 08, 2006
drmiller, this wasn't about Bush or impeaching him, although there are communities voting on that. This was about Congress and what we, ourselves, are doing.

And I DO think that I have power.
on Apr 08, 2006

drmiller, this wasn't about Bush or impeaching him, although there are communities voting on that. This was about Congress and what we, ourselves, are doing.

And I DO think that I have power.

"If" this was not about GW, then "why" does your linked article specifically mention him?

Bush, GOP Struggle for Public Approval