What a spin. What a yarn.

Time after time, Democrats are stopped. Time after time, deals are made behind closed doors.

Time after time, rules are changed.

Just yesterday, Democrats were stopped from having a full inestigation of the NSA spying.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 08, 2006
How is investigating the NSA "spying" as you call it, a "plan"?
on Mar 08, 2006
It is just an example of how Democrats are stopped right and left by doing anything. If people sit back and think Democrats are trying nothing, doing nothing, have no plans, it's because they are stopped, time after time.
The bullshit spin that they have no plan is ridiculous.
on Mar 08, 2006
Umm, my memory may be a little shady, but didn't we have a Democrat President awhile back?

ALL of the Democrats' "plans" seem to focus on attacking others' points of view, aswayopens. The investigation of the NSA wiretaps is one such example. Usually, negotiation works thusly:

a) You present a plan
Your opponent presents a plan
c) you find common points in your plans, and you work together to create a workable compromise.

The Democrats' "plan" seems you work as follows:

a) Your opponent presents a plan
You oppose a plan, offering no viable solution
c) You argue and fillibuster and enlist everyone you can to call the President a liar, a cheat, and a dictator
d) You whine about how the Republicans won't work with you.

The truth of the matter is, Democrats are hard at work at alienating the moderates within their party. I know of many, many former Dems who have left the party because it's no place for a conservative Christian who opposes abortion and upholds the second amendment, no matter HOW much they may uphold progressive social programs or environmental initiatives.

The 2004 Presidential race was a perfect example. I went to both Kerry's and Bush's sites (as well as all of the third party sites). What did I see on each? Well, Kerry's site actually mentioned Bush more times than Bush's site did, sad to say. The majority of the site focused on what Kerry saw to be the failed policies of the Bush administration. Bush's site, on the other hand, said virtually nothing about Kerry, but contained a comprehensive outline of the agenda for the next four years if elected.

It is one thing to criticize the policies of another; it is one thing to offer viable alternatives and solutions. The Democrats have failed to realize that fact.

Add to that the fact that the Democrats have COMPLETELY ABANDONED "red state" districts within the country (of all of the offices up for election in our district, only ONE has a Democrat opponent. The Libertarian Party, by contrast, has candidates in the US House race and the Texas House race [me being the candidate in the latter]). My opponent is running for his 10th term; 8 of those races he has run COMPLETELY UNOPPOSED in the general election.

This would not be so odd except when you consider that this area was once a Democratic stronghold in local and regional races.

IF the Democrats have a plan, they're doing a pretty crappy job of PR.
on Mar 08, 2006
Would you say that third parties are getting a fair shake?
Would you say that their plans are making headline news?
How many people know much about the Libertarian party?

Do you know how frustrating it is, to have rule after rule changed, laws made to unbreak the broken law and then your only chance at a mic to speak to the public, you of course have to run down what the repulicans are doing?
on Mar 08, 2006
And in the body of the article you provide no proof of a plan. In fact the title and body of the article are completely unrelated to one another. A plan is different from an issue. Investigation isn't a plan, it's an action on an issue.

Also, NSA spying domestically has been going on for decades now, including under Clinton, they just happened to get caught this time is all.

on Mar 08, 2006
And frustrated Dems will likely remain until they move away from incessant bashing and whining about their impotence and start making respectful constructive contributions to the political discourse.
on Mar 08, 2006

And in the body of the article you provide no proof of a plan. In fact the title and body of the article are completely unrelated to one another. A plan is different from an issue. Investigation isn't a plan, it's an action on an issue.

That is why you are Zoomba!  Exactly the point.

on Mar 08, 2006
Would you say that third parties are getting a fair shake?
Would you say that their plans are making headline news?
How many people know much about the Libertarian party?

No, third parties aren't getting a fair shake, aswayopens, but the Dems are as complicit as the Republicans in shutting us out of the debates. Our plans aren't making headline news, but we're getting closer and closer to mainstream because of people who are disenchanted with both parties (as are the Greens). As for the last question, it's a growing number of people. The state of Texas has over 200 Libertarian candidates for office, a record for the state party, and many of us are running in two way races (the Dems abandoned their guaranteed spot on the ballot). This is, to put it simply, the best way to educate people about the party.
on Mar 08, 2006
you of course have to run down what the repulicans are doing?

I disagree that you "have to run down what the Republicans are doing". My campaign is not based on that and WILL NOT be based on that. If that is what it takes to win, I'd rather be a loser and still have SOME shreds of dignity remaining.
on Mar 09, 2006
The majority of the site focused on what Kerry saw to be the failed policies of the Bush administration. Bush's site, on the other hand, said virtually nothing about Kerry, but contained a comprehensive outline of the agenda for the next four years if elected.
An incumbent president always tries to be aloof and presidential. How many times in boxing where the challenger throws more punches effectively, but because the champion showed "finesse" he retains his title.
on Mar 09, 2006
It is just an example of how Democrats are stopped right and left by doing anything. If people sit back and think Democrats are trying nothing, doing nothing, have no plans, it's because they are stopped, time after time.
The bullshit spin that they have no plan is ridiculous.

And how is this different from what the democrats were doing to the republicans during previous presidency's? It's called you kick me and I will kick you back.
on Mar 09, 2006
And how is this different from what the democrats were doing to the republicans during previous presidency's? It's called you kick me and I will kick you back.

There isn't any difference, but it's one of the reasons why people don't think the Dems have any "plans". Everything they attempt to do gets squashed.
on Mar 09, 2006
5 great Ideas from the Democratic party!

1.Trash Bush

2.Trash the right

3.Trash america


5.Complain about all the trash.

on Mar 09, 2006
I am sick of the Republicans having policies that do not solve the issues facing our country. I sick of a President that is totally out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. WE need a MODERATE GOP that will balance the budget, stop Nation Building (Iraq) and work to save American Jobs.
on Mar 09, 2006
Well, I'll grant that you are sick, Gene. At least we agree on something.
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