Published on March 2, 2006 By AsWayOpens In Politics
Yet another breaking of our laws by Bush.
American law prohibits the US from sharing its nuclear technology with nations that have not signed the treaty or have tested weapons.
American firms are already lobbying congress for deals in this.

India can have it, Iran can't. Won't this send a bad message, Mr. Bush? Kind of like some countries can run our ports, others can't?

on Mar 02, 2006
First, India already has had nuclear weapons for a long time, since the mid 70's.

Second, what 'treaty' are you even talking about? If you mean SALT2 the US congress never even backed it, and we've already discarded it. Mabye if you posted a link you'd make more sense. The agreement today wasn't about weapons, it was about nuclear energy.

...and if you equate India and Iran, you haven't got a clue. India has many problems, but Iran is a hateful nation that openly promotes terrorism and hate.
on Mar 07, 2006
I agree with the basic thrust of your blog. The main reason why the Deal with India must be defeated in Congree is because it will undermine the ability of the USA to prevent other nations from acquiring nuclaea weapons. I have put up a more detailed note in current events. Moreover, 8 fast breeder reactors nave been left out of IAEA safe guards.
on Mar 07, 2006
and if you equate India and Iran, you haven't got a clue. India has many problems

As far as the issue of nuclear non proliferation is concerned I do not see how being a nice nation or a hateful nations makes any difference.The US Congree has passed a Law restricing US co operation on nuclear issues with countries that have not signed the NPT. India has not signed the Law. The nuclear deal therefore violated US domestic law and the Bush Administration have now to approach Congeree to exempt India from the provision of that law. It is unlikely that the US congree will play ball with Bush and the Bushmen on this score.
on Mar 07, 2006
"The main reason why the Deal with India must be defeated in Congree is because it will undermine the ability of the USA to prevent other nations from acquiring nuclaea weapons."

On the contrary, the treaty in question grants civilian nuclear power as a RIGHT to all nations who sign on. That blindly trusts Iran not to gain the technology and then thwart the rest of the world in militarizing their program. If the US Congress defies Bush, they are stating openly that Iran is just in demanding nuclear technology.

On the other hand, India IS a nuclear power, and there is no proliferation involved in granting them safe civilian technology. No, they didn't sign the treaty, but as I said in Iran's case, simply signing the treaty is in no way a seal of approval, and it would be dangerous to deny ourselves the ability to pick and choose.
on Mar 08, 2006
Ummm, you are too hung up on the Iran comment, which was meant as irony.