If so, I wonder who will replace him?
Published on March 10, 2006 By AsWayOpens In Politics
Has anyone else heard it, in a serious way?

I first heard it mentioned by Chris Matthews, who insists he will leave.
Then I saw it reported on The Drudge Report,Link
and Insight

on Mar 10, 2006
just when you thought that i was out...i pull myself back in.--don dick 'lil peepee' cheneyole

i've long suspected cheney intends to run for president in 2008. in 2000, he denied he'd join the bush ticket and was assigned to help locate a vp candidate. we all know what happened there. nobody as qualified as himself could be found.

sorta the same situation is developing only this time there's no candidate who can be depended upon to protect the bush-cheney legacy. well, not anyone as qualified as himself anyway.

after all, he'll have 8 years of experience managing...i mean supporting...the president.
on Mar 11, 2006
Very true.
Someone I know thinks they would replace him with McCain.
on Mar 11, 2006
I love conspiracy theories. This is as good as the one back in 1997 where FEMA was the “Secret Government” within the Government, and the U.N. was militarily taking over the United States.
on Mar 11, 2006
Just think if he ran in 2008 & won.

There would be blood in the streets... from the mass hari-kiri of the liberal media.
on Mar 11, 2006

You remind me of the loons who thought the impeachment of Cllinton was going to overturn the 96 elections (no Stupids, Gore would have been president!  Thank God he was not found guilty!).

Earth to loons!  Step back down to the planet please!

on Mar 12, 2006
loons often discuss rumours, eh?