AsWayOpens's Articles » Page 2
March 10, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Has anyone else heard it, in a serious way? I first heard it mentioned by Chris Matthews, who insists he will leave. Then I saw it reported on The Drudge Report, Link and Insight Link
March 9, 2006 by AsWayOpens
What a way to show your true colors! Threaten us. This is for you, BakerStreet.... Link
March 8, 2006 by AsWayOpens
What a spin. What a yarn. Time after time, Democrats are stopped. Time after time, deals are made behind closed doors. Time after time, rules are changed. Just yesterday, Democrats were stopped from having a full inestigation of the NSA spying.
March 8, 2006 by AsWayOpens
An amendment to ban gifts from lobbyist's has failed to pass the Senate. It was such a surprise that Republicans were the ones to vote it down.
March 5, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Ahhh, the Emperor has spoken. Let them eat mangoes. Tell me, JoeUser Conservatives, do you agree with all or most of Bush's policies? If there are things you don't like that he's doing, are you willing to stand up and say what they are?
March 3, 2006 by AsWayOpens
If the reports are true, that this year's goody bags' value is $55,000.00, especially in light of our country's needs, it is nothing but obscene and in really poor taste.
March 2, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Calling for a Congressional inquiry to investigate the grounds for impeachment. Supported by 27 House members. Encourage your representatives to sign on.
March 2, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Yet another breaking of our laws by Bush. American law prohibits the US from sharing its nuclear technology with nations that have not signed the treaty or have tested weapons. American firms are already lobbying congress for deals in this. India can have it, Iran can't. Won't this send a bad message, Mr. Bush? Kind of like some countries can run our ports, others can't?
March 1, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Senator Russ Feingold has been standing strong all afternoon against the Patriot Act. Please write and support him in this. Link
March 1, 2006 by AsWayOpens
A recent poll of troops in Iraq show they think we need to leave. 72% think we should exit within a year. 29% think we should exit right now. 85% think the war is in response to Sadam's role in 9/11. They were not asked if they wanted to come home. They were asked if we should leave Iraq.
February 27, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Link This is a start anyway.
February 27, 2006 by AsWayOpens
Of course you do, George. And of course you are going around spouting about alternative fuel. "Buried deep in a bill called the Tax Relief Act of 2005, passed by the Senate on Nov. 18, was Section 559, titled "Modification of Credit for Producing Fuel from a Nonconventional Source." Link "
February 27, 2006 by AsWayOpens
And America might be waking up even more. How dare you look into the camera time after time telling us that the terrorists are out to get us, and then not expect us to react to your ports deal the way we did. How dare you insult our intelligence,yet again, by thinking we would just overlook the many facts concerning this deal.
November 11, 2005 by AsWayOpens
It's a great time to do some reality checking and fact finding. How are veterans being treated by our government? How are our soldiers being treated by our government? Is it true about the pentagon's database and the high school recruitment list? Oh, I could go on and on. Happy Veteran's Day Link
November 9, 2005 by AsWayOpens
Now, how obvious is it? According to reports, they are wanting investigations about the leaks of the hidden, secret prisons. How, who and if more secret info was leaked. Note that there is no mention of them wanting to know any information about the fact that there ARE secret prisons. It's just sad, this GOP.