AsWayOpens's Articles » Page 3
November 8, 2005 by AsWayOpens
In many states today, there are issues on the ballots about voting. Many states are using electronic machines for the first time. I'm interested in learning your state's issues. For articles about this year's elections, go Link
November 8, 2005 by AsWayOpens
“If there was ever a time in history to impeach a President of the United States, it would be now. In my opinion, it is two years too late … Shouldn't war be an absolute last resort? We went to war because we were misled. And we should be angry because of the 2,000 American soldiers and the 200 armed coalition forces that have died. We should be livid because of the 15,000 American soldiers that have been horribly maimed and wounded. We should be disgusted because of the 30,000 innocent Ira...
November 6, 2005 by AsWayOpens
Interesting things are happening all around us, filling us with hope. Tomlinson is under investigation, as well as the al-Hurra network. And e-mails between Rove and his close friend Tomlinson have been seized. Let's see.... We have proven propaganda going on We have indictments and investigations going on We have Rove mentioned in how many of them? Interesting things are happening all around us, filling us with hope.
November 4, 2005 by AsWayOpens
As Bush is faced with thousands protesting along his journey to promote fair trade, his numbers here at home speak loudly. It is a shame that so many here stay in denial. But if it helps you feel better, feel safer, thinking that Bush is protecting you, then so be it.
November 1, 2005 by AsWayOpens
What will it take to get him investigated? What will it take to get him out? Obviously, the elections next year might help some, if the votes are actually counted, and counted not by machines that conservative corporations own. How many of us really think he is thinking for himself? How many of us see what happens when he does think for himself? Now is the time for America to rise up and say no more. Now is the time for America to demand action. Now is the time for the filibust...