Interesting things are happening all around us, filling us with hope.

Tomlinson is under investigation, as well as the al-Hurra network.

And e-mails between Rove and his close friend Tomlinson have been seized.

Let's see....
We have proven propaganda going on
We have indictments and investigations going on
We have Rove mentioned in how many of them?

Interesting things are happening all around us, filling us with hope.

on Nov 06, 2005
hope? how so?
on Nov 06, 2005
Hope? Your living everything you fear... The economy is going well; Iraq & Afghanistan could be going better, but isn't going too bad compared to the other wars we have fought; employment is up, average incomes are up... in fact, pretty much every part of American life is looking pretty well... So all you have to "hope" for is some little tidbit of trumped up scandal that two years of investigation hasn't netted squat.

I'm confused about why you look to bad things for our country and call it "hope"... I usualy plan for the worst, but "hope" for great things. Your kind of sad.

Hope? I guess hope for any bad news will do, won't it? Hey, maybe the Bird Flu will kill a few million people, then you'll have a lot to celebrate!! ;~D
on Nov 06, 2005
It is a sad indictment on the left that the only thing that fills them with hope is the misery of others.
on Nov 06, 2005
It is a sad indictment on the left that the only thing that fills them with hope is the misery of others.

I thought that was the definition of the left! ;~D
on Nov 06, 2005
Hey, aren't you the guys that are hoping French people die?
on Nov 06, 2005
the only thing that fills them with hope is the misery of others.

if that were true, he'd be upset about a corrupt government appointee being exposed for using government funds to implement a personal political agenda in hopes of subverting the very agency he was being paid to manage. i seem to remember your glee at the misery it caused his target.
on Nov 07, 2005

Hey, aren't you the guys that are hoping French people die?

Why would I be hoping me and my family die?

on Nov 07, 2005
I'm pretty sure I saw you guys on a thread wanting more riots in France and hoping for deaths!

And I find it funny that you accuse me of hoping for other's misery when I am only hoping for an end to the blatent corruptness in our current government.
on Nov 07, 2005

I'm pretty sure I saw you guys on a thread wanting more riots in France and hoping for deaths!

Better re-read that thread.  Just because one person might have indicated that, does not mean all responders were so advocating that.  You should judge people on what they post, not what they post to.  Since I responded here, does that mean I must agree with you on your diatribe against an innocent man?

on Nov 07, 2005
An innocent man? Isn't this yet to be proven?

I'll go look at the thread if I can remember the name of it. But I'm pretty sure I saw you there encouraging him. But if I was wrong, I apologize.
on Nov 07, 2005

An innocent man? Isn't this yet to be proven?

Uh, No.  This is America.  One is Innocent until PROVEN Guilty.  Better check what country you are in, and if you are American, re-read the Constitution. Or read it for the first time.

on Nov 07, 2005
Well, I was trying to be sarcastic because usually I see written by conservatives on here that so and so is innocent until proven guilty.

I read the thread. I was confused on who wrote it, but not because you all seem so alike.

And no, you did not actually say the words you hope more die, but I only saw a few on there trying to reason with and disagree with that point of view.
on Nov 07, 2005
One is Innocent until PROVEN Guilty.

You mean unless you are an islamic terrorist or bin laden. Then you need get lawyers, a fair trial, and not be judged before that.