What Will it Take to Wake You Up, Joeuser?
Published on November 4, 2005 By AsWayOpens In Politics
As Bush is faced with thousands protesting along his journey to promote fair trade, his numbers here at home speak loudly.

It is a shame that so many here stay in denial. But if it helps you feel better, feel safer, thinking that Bush is protecting you, then so be it.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Nov 05, 2005
Besides, America has always prided itself on having good relations with the world and I think it is grossly arrogant for any US politician to throw diplomacy to the wind. The US reputation is in the gutter and it is sad some are proud of that.

Prove it. Lets see your poof.
on Nov 05, 2005
Dr Guy

Any wealthy person is paying much less. The difference is that Kennedy, Kerry and Clinton as well as people like Gates and Buffet are willing to pay higher taxes because the budget is out of balance. Gates and Buffet wrote Bush in 2001 to ask him NOT to lower taxes on the wealthy because they did not NEED a tax cut and the country had more important needs then a tax cut for the wealthy. Greenspan and O'Neil told Bush ANY tax cuts should be tied to the SURPLUS to pay for it and that if the SURPLUS ended so should the tax cuts! Guess what the Bush SURPLUS NEVER EXISTED.
on Nov 05, 2005

One state would have sent Bush back to Texas. I would like to see your proof that the low and most of the middle income working Americans are better off under Bush!

Why should I supply "you" with proof? "You" have shown me none. All I've seen is your opinion.
on Nov 05, 2005

Reply By: COL GenePosted: Saturday, November 05, 2005
Dr Guy

Any wealthy person is paying much less.

Col Klink, you make a spurilous allegation, I call you on it and you change the subject. 

let me give you a clue, altho I doubt you are smart enough to understand it.

ANYONE Paying taxes gets a reduction.  If you only pay $1000, you do not get a $5000 reduction?

kapisch?  Probably not.  You do not have enough gray cells to understand.

But let me leave you with this thought.  What god given law, or man made one, entitled you do the money of others?  Can you direct me to that law?  Where you are ENTITLED to what you had no interest in earning?

buhBye.  You are no longer worth the time to respond to.  I only respond to those with at least half a brain.

on Nov 05, 2005
"Prove it. Lets see your poof."

Have you been under a rock since Iraq? I am not here to plug the gaps in my opponents ignorance, it is patently obvious that Bush is the most disliked president in recent memory and consequently America is widely distrusted due to the shambles of an occupation of Iraq.
on Nov 05, 2005
Dr Guy

The government has the power to levy taxes. The issue is not are Income ( or other taxes) legal but at what level are the taxes applied. At the present time the Federal Government is spending about $550 billion MORE then it is taxing. Therefore, we must cut spending, increase collection of existing taxes and to the extent that does not balance the budget increase taxes to bring the Federal Income equal to the spending.

There is no combination of spending cuts that would be acceptable to the majority to come even close to a balanced budget. The taxes that are not being collected would help but again would not produce anything like $550 billion EVERY year. You can BS all you want. It would not harm the wealthy to return to the tax rates in efect during the 1990's and would bring us a lot closer to a balanced budget. Like Gates and Buffet said, the wealthy DO NOT NEED A TAX CUT. The Fed DOES NEED THE ADDED REVENUE.
on Nov 05, 2005
Have you been under a rock since Iraq? I am not here to plug the gaps in my opponents ignorance, it is patently obvious that Bush is the most disliked president in recent memory and consequently America is widely distrusted due to the shambles of an occupation of Iraq.

Better check poll history. Your ignorance is showing.
on Nov 05, 2005
#96 by COL Gene
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Does Brad have gnats on this board?
on Nov 05, 2005
"You're reading too much into typical lame-duck, end of term politics."

Oh really, Gene. You know when Blair is in the shit when he does his 'man of the people' routine. He did it today by appearing on the BBC's 'Football Focus' programme and chatting about how he watches Premiership football. It was cringeworthy.

on Nov 05, 2005
Dr. Guy, I'm not sure what arguments you have been in with COL Gene, but I must admit to being surprised at the way you write to him and at how well he is ignoring it.
on Nov 05, 2005
#95 by PCS (Anonymous user)
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Have you been under a rock since Iraq? I am not here to plug the gaps in my opponents ignorance, it is patently obvious that Bush is the most disliked president in recent memory and consequently America is widely distrusted due to the shambles of an occupation of Iraq

SO WHAT!! WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT EVERYONE THINKS ABOUT US? they are real quick to have their hands out in time of need, then everyone loves america, frack-em I say, not one thine dime would I give to poor countries. not one>
on Nov 05, 2005
The "President's Approval Rating" is as meaningless as "Kasey Kassem's American Top 40"... Niether are based on anything that matters, and both should be used for entertainment purposes only. ;~D Link
on Nov 06, 2005

Presidents Approval Rating is MEANINGLESS? How true in a Dictatorship NOT IN AMERICA!

Your statement is just what we have come to expect from people who support Bush and the conservative right. They want it there way no matter what the majority want

A Dictatorship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Nov 06, 2005
dictatorship? wow so countries that vote and elect someone are now dictatorships? geeze gene you are slipping badly, maybe it's time for some serious drugs to straighten out your brain, Prozac anyone?

Oh yeh I forgot my exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there now that I have used many exclamation points what I typed must be true by virtue of my passion.
on Nov 06, 2005
SO WHAT!! WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT EVERYONE THINKS ABOUT US? they are real quick to have their hands out in time of need, then everyone loves america, frack-em I say, not one thine dime would I give to poor countries. not one>

THEY have their hands out?
We never ask for or need help from other countries?
Do you have any idea how dependent we actually are?
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