What Will it Take to Wake You Up, Joeuser?
Published on November 4, 2005 By AsWayOpens In Politics
As Bush is faced with thousands protesting along his journey to promote fair trade, his numbers here at home speak loudly.

It is a shame that so many here stay in denial. But if it helps you feel better, feel safer, thinking that Bush is protecting you, then so be it.

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on Nov 04, 2005
I think it is cute how people can say "Turn on your TV" in complete assurance when they agree with what is being said, but when they look back historically on how the popular media was used to twist public opinion they can act as if it is all a big show.

Doesn't it occur to the average person that a Liberal hate-fest can be conjured up just as the "Everything is okay, listen to the Beach Boys and shut the hell up" was orchestrated in the 60's? Evidently the only real propaganda is Conservative. Everything else is "truth".
on Nov 04, 2005
A couple, off the top of my head...

Social Security: Bush tried to make some excellent improvements to this program, but was violently opposed by the Democrats and the media.

Medicare/Medicaid/health care: didn't he roll out a whole new entitlement, plus the new drug benefit?

Job Loss: Unemployment has dropped steadily while he's been in office. It's currently about as low as it can safely get, and is much lower than the unemployment rate in, say, France (or, say, Germany).

Terrorism: Yeah, terorrism in the U.S. has gotten so much worse since 9/11. All those bombings and riots and whatnot. Oh, wait. That's all happening in Indonesia and, say, France.

So at the very least it's a mixed bag. Which is about all you can expect from any politician--if you can expect even that.

Care to set up Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter against that list, see how much better they did?
on Nov 04, 2005
#62 by stutefish
Friday, November 04, 2005

Doing it again! Confusing liberals (and klinks) with facts!
on Nov 04, 2005
Double post cookie
on Nov 04, 2005
sheeesh stute... yer gonna make alla liberal PUKES cry and whine now! damn you and your factual responses!!!
on Nov 04, 2005
I just don't get how people can say he's a dictator when he was voted in with a higher popular vote percentage than his first election. No matter how much people don't like what he's doing, at least he's working hard at it and producing results. It feels like a while since we've had that, and I for one am glad that the next few years are (to a point) safe from the liberals.

on Nov 04, 2005
The Bush Social Security solution made the funding problem worse and his plan did not sell

The new entitlement of about $60 Billion per year was passed WITHOUT ONE CENT TO PAY FOR IT!

Two million more workers entered the job market then new jobs created since 2001.

Terrorism world wide is worse then ever. We are doing a good job protecting the U S. How long can we stop 100% of the attempts. Anyone that believes the danger is lower is kidding themselves. We are NOT protecting our borders or our ports. A large part of our military is tied up with the Iraq War- Those in country as well as those that are recovering and those getting ready to go. It now appears that Iran was a far greater danger then Iraq ever was and more likely to disrupt the middle east. We attacked the wrong country. Iraq has a much stronger military and has many of the WMD Saddam did not have. Way to go George! We have turned most of the rest of the world aginst the U S with our attack of Iraq. Even the people in countries that in the past were supportive.
on Nov 04, 2005
What makes you think America was asleep? Betrays your bias. Guess the largest voter turnout in history was nothing but a bunch of lost sleepwalkers wandering into voting booths. Just gotta love the arrogant snobbery of the headline. As if Presidential approval ratings have never tanked in year 5 before, or at any time for that matter.

on Nov 04, 2005
i SMELL sour grapes from the bushie bashies Babies.
on Nov 04, 2005
Too many people came out to stop gay marriage and while they were out voted for GWB. It was very clever to have the gay marriage issue in 11 states the GOP needed Bush to win. Thoes voters did not look at the results of the first four Bush years nor did they think what damage four more years of the conservative policies would mean to the majority of them. They shot themselves in the foot. The policies Bush and the consetvatives follow do not help the majority of the people who voted for Bush. They are now beginning to see that about a year too late. I think the biggest joke is to apply conservative to the fiacal policy being followed by Bush and the GOP controlled Congress. Anyone that thinks our fiscal policy is conservative does not understand what a fiscal conservative is!
on Nov 04, 2005
Oh, yeah, I forgot. Yeah, the gay marriage thing, that's how they snuck Bush by all of us. Oh wait, I thought it was the vote stealing in Ohio & Florida and the disenfranchisement of felons & dead voters. And the clever way they got the media on his side, like during the debates and stuff. Getting Dan Rather and the NYT on board the Bush bandwagon was a master stroke, too, 'cause having a hostile media would make it virtually impossible to win.

Yeah, Gene, you're on to our game. Damn.

on Nov 04, 2005
67 by COL Gene
Friday, November 04, 2005

The Bush Social Security solution made the funding problem worse and his plan did not sell

The new entitlement of about $60 Billion per year was passed WITHOUT ONE CENT TO PAY FOR IT!

Two million more workers entered the job market then new jobs created since 2001.


This is my last Land Grab! Sieg Heil! I will not march on any more countries! Seig Heil!

I love Jews! Seig Heil! I love Slavs! Sieg Heil!

--Editors note: Have I not heard that before?
on Nov 04, 2005
Too many people came out to stop gay marriage and while they were out voted for GWB.

The more I look at that statement, the more amazed I am. If that doesn't tell you what a complete crackpot Gene is, nothing will.

on Nov 04, 2005
I reiterate!!!!! I smell more sour grapes!!!!! but this is now typical of the leftwing, cry, whine, obstruct and never under any circumstances offer any viable solution to a single problem!!!!
on Nov 05, 2005
Too many people came out to stop gay marriage and while they were out voted for GWB. It was very clever to have the gay marriage issue in 11 states the GOP needed Bush to win.

Now...I know for a FACT that this is not true. I live in Michigan....Michigan had the Gay Marriage Ban vote....Gay Marriage was banned....but the state still went to Kerry.

What you are saying is: we need to go back and recount the votes here in Michigan....because Michigan SHOULD have went to Bush because Gay Marriage was banned....

If that is the case, then Bush won by even more than what was originally thought....
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