What Will it Take to Wake You Up, Joeuser?
Published on November 4, 2005 By AsWayOpens In Politics
As Bush is faced with thousands protesting along his journey to promote fair trade, his numbers here at home speak loudly.

It is a shame that so many here stay in denial. But if it helps you feel better, feel safer, thinking that Bush is protecting you, then so be it.

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on Nov 04, 2005
Back on the original topic...
NEWS FLASH... He's a lame duck president! He can't run again, so he doesn't have to worry so much about public opinion. This happens near the end of most president's terms as they give up spinning things to be happy and fuzzy and it's when they try and get the most work done, knowing that actual results piss people off.

I'm no fan of Bush, I voted against him both times... but honestly, what has *he* done (not his minions) recently that's been particularly bad?
on Nov 04, 2005
We have not had a president so disliked both in the United States as well as in almost EVERY country in the world in modern times. Even in England, the PEOPLE do not like Bush or his policies. It is sad to see our president so disliked where evey he goes. A good measure of the dislke is the amount of security that is needed when he visits throught out the world! Now Cheney's popularity has fallen even below that of Bush. Great choice America in November of 2004!
on Nov 04, 2005

We have not had a president so disliked both in the United States as well as in almost EVERY country in the world in modern times. Even in England, the PEOPLE do not like Bush or his policies. It is sad to see our president so disliked where evey he goes. A good measure of the dislke is the amount of security that is needed when he visits throught out the world!

Yes, that is true. Unfortunately people in general now oppose democracy and are more fond of fascist regimes. This is a sad development.

There are two ways this can be changed: we can either give up and stop opposing fascism or we can wait for people to wake up again, like they have after the last war.

It is ridiculous that the same people who supported Saddam Hussein (in spite of his wars) now demonstrate against George Bush (because of his wars).
on Nov 04, 2005
Wow, thousands of people protestsed. Great turnout.

We have not had a president so disliked both in the United States as well as in almost EVERY country in the world in modern times. Even in England, the PEOPLE do not like Bush or his policies.

That sums it for me col. President Bush is President of the United States. Nobody cares what they think in England or most of the world for that matter. Most of the "world" that you care so much about would rather have people like Saddam and other dictators in power. So your point is meaningless as usual.
on Nov 04, 2005

We have not had a president so disliked both in the United States as well as in almost EVERY country in the world in modern times

While we are at it. Can you back that up?

In general, I believe, a statesman becomes more popular the more people he kills. Saddam, for example, was and is very popular in the Arab world. Bush didn't kill as many Arabs as Saddam, thus Bush is less popular.

Incidentally, Clinton was also more popular among Arabs than Bush. But I suppose that is because Bush is for an independent Palestine and Clinton was not. Arabs usually don't support independence for Palestine. That's why they occupied it before the Israelis.
on Nov 04, 2005
No, it actually doesn't blow it out of the water.
Close to ten thousand are protesting Bush right now.

So out of 295,734,134 people in the US only 10 Thousand are protesting? That would leave, lest see, 295,724,134 people not protesting. Now lets say some are in favor of Bush and some just don't care. That would be 147,862,067 for Bush and the same for who don't care, which are still many times more than those protesting. You do realise that not everyone will like Bush and not everyone will like what he does. Technically, there is bound to be someone who hates him.
on Nov 04, 2005
No, I was not talking about protests in the US, but where he was speaking this morning.

And I'm sure as he continues on his arrogant way, his numbers will drop more and the number of people calling for his impeachment will rise.

on Nov 04, 2005

This happens near the end of most president's terms as they give up spinning things to be happy and fuzzy and it's when they try and get the most work done, knowing that actual results piss people off.

That is insightful and gets you a cookie!  Especially the last part.

on Nov 04, 2005

And I'm sure as he continues on his arrogant way, his numbers will drop more and the number of people calling for his impeachment will rise.

I can call for Bill Clinton's Impeachment.  DO you think it will do any good?  Your logic again is flawed.  You cannot get impeached for being unpopular!  Geez!  RTFC!

on Nov 04, 2005
Read and weep. its all about liberalism in the MSM (Mainstream Media)
on Nov 04, 2005

No, I was not talking about protests in the US, but where he was speaking this morning.

Well if the protest is not going on inside US borders then I can be pretty sure that Bush does not care!
on Nov 04, 2005
I can back that up Turn on your TV

The majority of Americans do not support Bush or his policies just like the people of most countries. Even countries where Bush has the support of the Government( England) he does not have the support of the people. You would think even someone as dense as Bush would finally realize that he is swimming up stream. The man is truly out of touch with both the vast majority of Americans and most everyone else on planet Earth.
on Nov 04, 2005
On the other hand, since a beleagured minority of us firmly believe that the alleged "vast majority of Americans and most everyone else on Earth" (including you, Gene) are completly wrong about everything, we're quite happy that he'll remain in power and act on his principles instead of misguided public opinion for a few more years before the asshats finally get around to putting their own in power for a while.
on Nov 04, 2005
George Bush three years and three months to go AS PRESIDENT of the United States and all your finger pointing , crying, whining, wailing, gnashing of teeth cannot do a damn thing about it! so BOO HOO>>>!!!!!!
on Nov 04, 2005
In our country when the majority believe their government is wrong we are headed for trouble. The fact is that almost all the issues that faced Bush when he took office have become worse. In attition, things that were not issues (the deficit and Iraq) are raging disasters. Please document which if these major issues that Bush has improved during the past five years?

Federal Deficit
border security
Social Security
job loss
health care
How the world looks at the US
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