What a spin. What a yarn.

Time after time, Democrats are stopped. Time after time, deals are made behind closed doors.

Time after time, rules are changed.

Just yesterday, Democrats were stopped from having a full inestigation of the NSA spying.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 10, 2006
I am sick of the Republicans having policies that do not solve the issues facing our country. I sick of a President that is totally out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. WE need a MODERATE GOP that will balance the budget, stop Nation Building (Iraq) and work to save American Jobs.

And we are "just" as sick of hearing you whining all the time about how everything "we" do is wrong.
on Mar 10, 2006
Well, I'll grant that you are sick, Gene. At least we agree on something.

. There's always a first for everything.
on Mar 10, 2006
Just yesterday, Democrats were stopped from having a full investigation of the NSA spying.

Umm, that's called a concession. And I have heard of no great Congressional outcry to stop the NSA program. Quite the opposite, in fact, because public opinion is very much behind the "terrorist surveillance" program.

c) You argue and fillibuster and enlist everyone you can to call the President a liar, a cheat, and a dictator

Don't forget a Nazi. Gotta get the Hitler reference in there.
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