Senator Russ Feingold has been standing strong all afternoon against the Patriot Act.
Please write and support him in this.


on Mar 01, 2006
Already done.

From Missouri, the Show - Me State:

Dear Senator Feingold,

Don't be afraid to ask for accountability and ask them for the evidence proving the so-called Patriot Act actually protects us...
on Mar 01, 2006
Feingold protecting us?  He sold us out with his stupid campaign finance reform!  What a jerk.
on Mar 01, 2006
Feingold protecting us? He sold us out with his stupid campaign finance reform! - Dr. Guy

And McCain didn't? I support campaign finance reform. The McCain-Feingold bill didn't sell us out, but it did leave a loophole open for groups like Swiftboat Veterans for Truth and MoveOn - I see those problems, but let's push for further reform and or amending.
on Mar 02, 2006
"So even some of the senators who fought for this reauthorization bill of course realize that it falls short and will join the fight to try to fix the patriot act. Now, that's somewhat encouraging and I thank them for their honesty. I thank them for recognizing that the rights and freedoms of the American people are worth fighting for here in the senate, just as we ask so many of our young people to fight for them overseas." Amen.

let's push for further reform and or amending.
Starting with throwing out the well-heeled lobbyists.
on Mar 02, 2006
Starting with throwing out the well-heeled lobbyists.

Reminds of the old joke "What do you call 100 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start."

This is a good start. The other thing would be start ENFORCING the rules (of the Senate and the House) that require ethical behavior. Start holding the members of Congress accountible for their actions - without partison witch hunts. If DeLay or Reid do something stupid (as most of us can agree that one and/or both have done) then they should suffer the same consequences (if not MORE sever consequences) as one of us would suffer for the same actions.

We, as Americans, allow our representatives in the Congress get away with murder (literally!) and these actions must stop.