Of course you do, George.
And of course you are going around spouting about alternative fuel.

"Buried deep in a bill called the Tax Relief Act of 2005, passed by the Senate on Nov. 18, was Section 559, titled "Modification of Credit for Producing Fuel from a Nonconventional Source."



on Feb 27, 2006
The Brookings Institute study shows making the tax cuts permanent will add $2.4 Trillion MORE to the deficit and take it to over $13 Trillion by 2014. It is time to tell Bush HELL NO.
on Mar 02, 2006
Indeed it is. Not only impeachment, but imprisonment.
on Mar 02, 2006
If anyone as stupid as you could find this, it wasn't as burried as you claim. Besides this kind of info is not hidden or invisible, all you have to do is read and understand and there it is. This is just stupid talk about something that is written in black and white and yet people find it and say "wow, since when was this written here?".

You don't even know what impeachment is. And Col finds one person who says the deficite will grow and he is sold to that person for the rest of his life.

It's sad when we lose good people on this site yet get stuck with nut cases like you 2.
on Mar 02, 2006
OMG!!! A... Republican... that wants to cut TAXES!??!?!?!?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.
on Mar 05, 2006
My, my DJ, such strong and intelligent arguments. I will have to work all day on my rebuttal.
on Mar 06, 2006
I see you're trying to pin this on GW. What I don't see is you saying "anything" about the congress that passed that bill! What, do you think they don't bother to read any part of the bills presented to them?